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4 easy ways to add movement into your busy day (without more hours in the gym or exercise classes)

How do I add more movement and exercise to my day when I have no time?

This must be one of the most frequently asked questions I get asked as a Pilates Teacher when people are desperate to be in less pain and get their body moving.

So I am here to help with some movement hacks that you can add into your day.

Many of us spend hours at a desk, scrunched over a laptop, commuting in a car or sat in meetings.

And we are all realising that moving more, our brains work better and our bodies ache a little less.

So how can you get more movement into your day without hitting the gym or exercises classes more?

Here’s how…

1.Squat, balance or heel lifts each time you make a cup of tea

That time waiting for the kettle to boil is the perfect time to move - it’s also great trigger and reminder to move. Here are some ideas:

Wide squats.

We’re usually near a kitchen counter when making a cuppa, so use it for balance.

Take your feet wide and then sink your butt as close to the floor as you can, using the counter to help get you back up again.

This movement opens our hips, wakes our bodies up by using big muscles groups in our legs and strengthens our lower body

Balance + Heel Lifts.

Stand on one foot and balance.

Once balanced, start lifting your heel off the floor.

This movement helps distract your mind with balancing and strengthens into your calf, ankle and foot muscles. Another great body wakener.

2. Deep squat sit while cleaning your teeth

Those two minutes every morning and evening are the perfect time to double up with some movement. You could:

Hang out in the deepest squat possible for the two minutes - Take your stance wide and send your butt to the floor and stay there. Send your knees out wide for extra closeness to the floor.

Your hips and lower back will thank you for this one. And in time, your ankle, knee and hip mobility will be vastly improved…you’ll be skipping out of the bathroom.


Balance on one foot and draw the clock with the other. Great for the time and you’ll be improving your balance and leg strength at the same time.

3. Move your spine sitting or standing at your desk

Our spine moves in 3 directions:

  1. Forward and back

  2. Side to side

  3. And twisting

By taking your spine through these movements regularly during the day, you’re waking your body up, lubriacating all the amazing joints in your spine and stretching your muscles.

Here are some movements to help you:

Forward and back.

Sit tall and place your hands on your desk as far away as you can reach.

Then arch through the back of your shirt to try and look at your belly button.

Then arch through the front of your t-shirt and look towards the ceiling.

Side to side.

Interlace your fingers and place them behind your head.

Dip your elbow towards the floor one side, and then the other.

Try and reach a little further with each one.


Bring your fingertips together infront of you as if you’re hugging your favourite tree.

Then take one hand and your gaze round to the back of the room and pause for a sec.

Then face the front again

Then do it the other side.

Look for a delicious twist through your body and maybe a bit of a stretch through your chest (We’re all different and feel it in different places).

4. Swap your hour long gym class for movement snacks throughout the day

We are programmed to think that exercise only counts when it’s for a longer duration, like an hour’s exercise class, or a long run.

But shorter sessions are just as good and make it easier to fit into our day and set habits.

It’s ok to roll out your mat and do a 20 minute express Pilates session rather than planning a 60 minute full body workout, but never making it.

It’s ok to start your day with a 30 minute walk rather than planning to hit the gym for an hour but never fitting it in

It’s ok to spend

Does this give you the permission to reduce the expectation and make it manageable to fit and plan movement into your day?

We hope you find this helpful so that you can feel awesome in your bod by moving more every day.

Let us know how you get on!


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