Join us at Nimble & Wild in Malmesbury on the edge of the Cotswolds for mat and reformer pilates classes. All abilities welcome, move well & live fearlessly.

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How to get started with Pilates.

Getting started with Pilates.

One of the best pieces of advice I received when considering training in Pilates was to JUST START.  

Easier said than done but while I was considering all the routes I could take, I was standing still.  

If I just started, I could then figure out more along the way – what worked for me, what didn’t, what I enjoyed, where I wanted to focus…..

And you can apply this thinking to anything; getting started with a new activity or indeed, Pilates.

Taking the first step is often the hardest – there is so much choice out there that you may not know where to head first.  

So here’s a little help to you getting started and for current regulars, maybe some info that will get you thinking?

Who is Pilates for?

Often people say they are not fit enough, or bendy enough or strong enough to join right now but the wonderful thing about Pilates, is that it really is for everyone.  We will meet you where you are at today.

How will you ever get to where you want to be without starting?  

There will be the right session for you, where you feel comfortable; be that at the very beginning and learning movement or if you’re a seasoned pro and want to be worked to your limit.

Most importantly though, everyone is welcome.

Why Pilates?

Pilates can be used at the beginning of a rehabilitation journey (after the acute phase where you might be working with a physio or other health practioner).  It’s a safe and reassuring method to get you moving again after an injury or surgery.  

In addition, Pilates is a wonderful enabler.  A regular Pilates practice has enabled me to run without getting injured all the time.  

For others, it enabled them to get out on their mountain bike every week without feeling broken;

Or it gets them out from behind a desk, moves them and brings awareness to their posture throughout the day at a laptop.  

Or it compliments, enhances and enables your yoga practice.  

Or maybe it enables you to get on the floor to play with the kids.  

Or it may just become the time in the week for you – the time for head space and movement to nourish you, enabling you to face life head on.  

Oh and my favourite report is that it has enabled bouncing on a trampoline without needing to wee!  High five to that!

What to expect from a Pilates class

Walking through the door for the first time can be intimidating for sure.  But at Nimble and Wild, we try our very best to make you feel welcomed and part of the group from the word go.

To help you understand more about Pilates and movement, we’ve set up an introductory session.  

This is just for you  - we talk through you and your why, what you’d like to get out of your sessions (your end goals) then we get you set-up and moving so you can then get the most out of any subsequent sessions, be that within a group setting or 1:1s.

If you’re ready to take your first steps, pop here for more info and to book!

How often should I do Pilates?

To feel the benefits of any movement, you need consistency.  We book both group and 1:1 sessions in blocks – this is so you can be accountable for turning up each week to move with us and gives you a routine to keep you moving.  

Dropping in every now and then is awesome, but better is to keep doing it consistently.  That way, your body learns the moves and that’s when you get stronger and stronger and feel your improvement.

You might then feel inspired to increase to twice weekly sessions or bring in your own home practice in-between – we get a little addicted to feeling nimble and wild! ;)

Here’s another blog post about the science behind how often we should move our bodies and why.

How will you feel after Pilates with Nimble & Wild?

Well, I’ve recently sent a little survey out to current Nimblers and here are some of the words they used to describe how they feel after they leave their session:






As well as lower back aches and range of movement improved.  

I can’t ask for more than that!

If this is how you’d like to feel, do get in touch.  We can’t wait to have you join us at Nimble and Wild.

Move Well • Live Life Fearlessly

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