Getting Started With Pilates at Nimble & Wild

Getting started with Pilates at Nimble and Wild in Malmesbury Wiltshire

It’s the hardest part of any new thing. Let us help you…

Book an Introductory Pilates session so that we can help get you started with your Pilates and movement routine.

We'll listen to your goals and needs and together, decide the best route forward. We’ll help you find routine and consistency so that you feel the difference in your body and mind.

We’ve also made a blog post about getting started which you may find helpful.

Kind Note: If you are injured, rehabilitating, pregnant or post natal, it is essential you complete an Introductory Session before you join a group session. This is so that together, we can find the best way to help you, find the right session type and adapt movements to help you move well.