Nimble & Wild Terms of Service


Bookings, refunds and cancellations

Group Sessions


  • You are guaranteed a spot in the same group session each week, running term time only. Please find term dates here. Any sessions outside of term dates are bookable and payable separately.

  • Memberships are paid for on the 1st of each month, using the card details that you add to your online account. Payments are taken for eleven months of the year - no payment is taken in August.

  • If you’re unable to make a session: If you cancel your session using the booking system (web or app) with at least 24 hours notice, you can move to another session within the same week, where there is availaibity. Sessions cannot be carried over to the following week or credited back to you. Bookings for the new session you’d like open ten days in advance of the session IF there is a spot available.

  • If you no longer want your spot, please kindly give us 30 days notice. During this time, you will have access to your usual classes and we will ensure that payments are adjusted accordingly and then stopped.

  • Sessions are prepaid and once booked are non-refundable and non-transferable to other people or services.


  • Bookings open ten days in advance of the session IF there is a spot available.

  • All sessions are prepaid and once booked, the single/drop-in sessions are non-refundable and non-transferable.


  • When booking a course, you are signing up to each of the dates laid out in the booking.

  • All course and sessions are prepaid and once booked, the course or individual sessions from the course, are non-refundable and non-transferable.

  • If you are unable to make a session within the course, this cannot be be substituted, moved, refunded or transferred. Please ensure you can make the dates of the course before booking or be aware that you will forfeit the individual session if you cannot make it. Please consider the ‘drop-in’/PAYG options if this is the case.

Private Pilates Session bookings

  • All sessions are prepaid and once booked, either as a bundle or single session, payments are non-refundable or transferable to other people or services.

  • Private session bookings with more than 48 hours notice can be rescheduled and transferred to another date using the booking system (web or app).

  • Private session bookings that are cancelled within 48 hours of the scheduled time and date are non-refundable, will not be rescheduled and cannot be made up on another date.


  • All sessions are prepaid and once booked, either as a bundle or single session, payments are non-refundable.

  • After booking, Nimble and Wild is under no obligation to refund any bookings once they have been made. If a discretionary full or partial refund is made, a £15 admin fee will apply to cover payment administrative and payment processing charges.


  • Nimble and Wild are under no obligation to refund sessions that are missed due to adverse weather conditions. If you think you will be unable to attend due to weather condition, we will offer a livestream online session, at the same date and time as booked.

Enrolment with nimble and wild

Introductory Private One to One Session

If you are injured, rehabilitating, currently seeing a rehab professional (Physio etc) pregnant or post natal, it is essential that you complete a Introductory Private One to One Session before you join a group session. This is so we can find the best way to help you, find the right session type and to be able to adapt movements so you can move safely and move well.

Signing up to Pilates sessions

The answers provided in the enrolment form should be accurate to the best of your knowledge. It is your responsibility to inform the instructor and Nimble and Wild if you experience any new or unusual symptoms during the course of your sessions.

Please advise us before commencing any Pilates session if, for any reason, your health or ability to exercise changes. It is imperative that we know immediately if you become pregnant. Pilates is a safe method of movement but, as with all forms of physical exercise, it is prudent to consult your doctor before starting Pilates.

Exercise should be performed at a pace and level which feels comfortable for the participant. Please inform your teacher immediately if you feel any discomfort during a session. Please also inform the teacher and studio if you feel any discomfort after a particular Pilates session.

You accept that any Nimble and Wild instructor, the workshop or the business cannot be held responsible for any damage or loss to personal property whilst on company premises.

Pilates is not a substitute for medical treatment. If you have any doubts about the suitability of the exercises, you should consult your medical practitioner. Neither the instructor or Nimble and Wild can accept any liability for personal injury related to participation in a Pilates session. This includes if:

  • Your doctor has advised you against such exercise.

  • Your medical situation changes and you fail to inform the teacher and the studio.

  • You fail to observe instructions on safety or technique.

  • You are injured by the negligence of another participant in the class/studio.

Health, Safety and Hygiene

We politely ask that if you feel unwell, you do not attend the Workshop to keep others safe from illness and COVID-19.

If you are exhibiting COVID-19 symptoms or have been in contact with someone who has, please do not come to the workshop and make sure you are tested inline with Government guidance. Thank you.

We politely ask that outer footwear is not worn in the workshop.

Please store shoes, bags, coats and other personal belongings in the allocated area upon entry to the workshop. This is to keep the workshop safe for all users and participants.

For reasons of hygiene please remember to wash your hands on arrival and use the Hand Sanitiser provided. 

Please do not bring food or hot drinks into the workshop. If you bring a drinks bottle with you please use one with a flip lid to avoid spillages.