Riding the Small Business wave.

This past weekend, I went to The Wave in Bristol for a surf lesson. And it got me thinking about the similarities between catching a wave and life.

Catching a wave

Even before the wave is anywhere near you, you start paddling. Paddling hard. For what seems like not much gain.

And then the wave gets nearer, you pick up a little speed and you’re lifted higher. But you don’t stop paddling.

In fact, even when you’re on top fop the wave, you paddle harder for 3,2,1.

Then, and only then, do you begin the journey to standing. For what feels like it’s all too late, it’s then that you’re riding the wave and feel like you’re flying.

Riding the Small Business wave

For me, it fitted perfectly with the ups and downs of running a small business.

So much graft behind the scenes and when it all gets too much and you feel like stopping, you just have to keep going for 3,2,1.

Because you’re so, so close. Even when it feels hard and like you’ve missed the opportunity, you’re so close to being there; to surfing the crest of the wave.

Just keep paddling, for the hardest part is just before the joy of the ride.

What do you relate it to?


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