See the bigger picture!

I spent a weekend last Autumn romping in the hills being assessed to be able to take you gorgeous lot out for a frolic in the countryside.

Half way through the first day, my feedback was this:

See the bigger picture!

(They even took my map away So I had to figure out where we had been! Ha).

They were so right! My thumb was aching from pin pointing our position at every point on the map. I hadn’t seen what was going on around me. I had lost sight of the bigger picture.

I thought I’d tell my little story as it’s helped me this week with my business.

It’s so easy to get down into the detail and worry about where you are.

But when you look up, remember where you’ve been, where you’re heading and the beautiful path you are on, it’s so much easier and so much more enjoyable!

So go ahead, put your map down and see what’s around you!


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