What a thing we have made.


Who has binge watched the second part of Bridgerton Series 3? Well, me, I have. And even if it’s not your thing, there’s one overwhelming point that I took from it and want to tell you about.

Penelope Fetherington.  A wallflower on the outside.  But powerful, creative, independent and super clever on the inside. What a lady.  

She used her talents to create a secret business for herself.  She did this through her writing, story telling and by bringing her community together (or sometimes apart ;) ).  

Penelope may have taken a wrong turn or two along the way but she learnt from her downfalls and righted those wrongs.

And there was one quote in the final episode that I had to rewind to listen to a couple of times.  As Penelope confessed to her mother that she had been running an undercover business, Lady Fetherington said:

“What a thing you have made for yourself”.

And that just did it for me.  What a thing indeed.  

So as I reflect on ONE WHOLE YEAR of Feel Good Friday and sending you notes each and every week, I couldn’t help think, what a thing WE have made.

Never did I think I could write each week for a whole year.  

It’s taken discipline, delving deep on weeks the words weren’t flowing, to keep going as the unsubscribes came thick and fast but always hoping it was making a small difference to someone out there.  

And it’s no longer just a email. It has grown to so much more than that.

It’s brought our community together in such a way I never thought possible.

It’s created conversation in the Studio.

It’s educated us all.

And maybe even brought a smile every now and then.And it’s a connection that all of are looking for.  And this little check-in each Friday evening at 7pm, lets us all do just that.

For every kind word.  For your replies, suggestions and ideas…


For staying with me. Listening, learning and most importantly of all, being part of Nimble & Wild and our Feel Good Friday notes.

What a thing we have made.


4 easy ways to add movement into your busy day (without more hours in the gym or exercise classes)