3 inspiring lessons I learnt from four wonderful women.

Four of you flippin’ awesome NIMBLE & WILD ladies stood before me this week, giving up your time for me to experiment with small group Pilates circuits, and we chatted. And I think at the time you had no idea how amazing you are.

Here’s what we chatted about:

One of you announced they had their last day at work yesterday.  This was their first day of freedom.

Another said, me too.

Another said, me too and today I start my new diploma.  She was giddy.

And as I looked around the room, all my separate conversions with you came together.

1. You had quietly closed the door behind you.

And it dawned on me that every single one of them, had quietly closed the door behind them on a job and way of life that wasn’t serving them.  And were on a journey to find something to fulfil their intelligent, wonderful minds and find a way of life that serves them so much more.

To close a door behind you, not quite knowing where the next door is.  To walk along a path that you’re not quite sure where it leads.  To open the next door not knowing if it’s the right one.

That takes guts.  Bravery.  Trust.

And there I stood.  With a tingle in my tummy with such admiration and excitement for you all. 

You inspired me. 

You are courageous and determined and I can’t wait to see where your journey takes you.

All four of them were at different points in their journey.  But all having taken a super hard decision, probably with tears and worries mixed in.

2. You showed me I have zero regrets about my decision to change my path

Myself and another in the room are a few years into our journey of turning our backs on jobs that weren’t right and creating our own paths.  I looked on so proudly when I thought of what we had achieved.  And with excitement that the others in the room were about to experience what we have.

And when they turned to ask me if I had any regrets when I quit the life that wasn’t serving me, I was able to answer so confidently and so happily, that no, I don’t have one single regret.  My only wish is that I did it all sooner.

3. What comes the other side of a big decision has a way of being soooo much better.

It enabled me to reflect on a recent comment from a business coach that hasn’t left me:

Inspirational quote from the Nimble & Wild Pilates Malmesbury Community

Even though we might not be able to see it at the time, and we try so hard to stick with it and paper over the cracks, everything has a way of working out. 

And when I think back, she is absolutely right.

I am so privileged that I get to experience your little times of joy.  Thank you for sharing them with me.

To Katie, Sarah, Jenny and Claire - keep being awesome, courageous, brave.  Trust in the next doors that open for you.  You’ve got this.


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